Maximiere deinen Stromertrag: Nutze diese Online-App, um den Ertrag deines Balkonkraftwerks zu planen

Maximize your electricity yield: Use this online app to plan the yield of your balcony power plant

Want to enjoy the benefits of having your own balcony power plant, but don't know if it's worth it? A new online app now makes it very easy to plan the yield of your balcony power plant for the whole year in advance.

The app uses your smartphone's position sensors to determine the optimal angle and orientation of your balcony power plant. All you have to do is align your smartphone during the initial configuration in the way you would like to later install your solar panel. The app takes care of the rest and uses factors such as sun intensity and inclination to calculate precise forecasts for the yield of your balcony power plant.

Once set up, you can predict the yield of your balcony power plant for the coming days, weeks and months. So you always have an overview and can adjust the operation of your power plant accordingly.

The app is ideal for anyone who wants to install or already has a balcony power plant, but doesn't know exactly how much energy it produces. The app's predictions are very accurate and can help you ensure your power plant is running optimally, thereby saving you money.

So if you want to take full advantage of your balcony power station and always know in advance how much electricity it will produce, you should try this online app . With accurate forecasts and easy operation, it helps you to maximize the yield of your balcony power plant.

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